Our First Proclaimed Kindness Week Pocatello & Chubbuck 2015

Our First Proclaimed Kindness Week Pocatello & Chubbuck 2015

It’s fun to capture the moments as Kindness spreads throughout our Pocatello and Chubbuck Community. Putting together all the pictures of that week, I loved seeing the kids faces. I can tell you that experiencing it was awesome, an experience I will forever treasure and never forget! I could feel and see the excitement all over the kids faces. The Kindness assemblies were alot of fun and I know without a doubt that everyone that was given a Kindness T-shirts and was influenced by the Kindness message. All those 6000+ students brought home the message to each home in our community. That was a huge opportunity to spread the awareness on the simple, yet powerful answer to Bullying Prevention.

I know that Kindness is a core behavior that should and must be taught in all of our homes. Having empathy and serving others, is a vital part of our everyday happiness. I knew what I started this, that was a very important message that I wanted to portray. It’s not about perfection, it’s about considering the moments when we step out of our comfort zone to help a friend, comfort a neighbor, stand up for a friend being mistreated, it’s giving our spouse hug right when they get home, it’s saying prayers for people that mistreat us, it’s forgiving, Kindness is just so many things.  I worked really hard with my Committee in making this happen for all our kids. I had to prove that it was a necessity. I had to raise ALOT of money all on my own. It wasn’t easy, it was HARD, it was humbling, but I got to work and I did it! In the end, it was truly an AMAZING experience, all the opposition was worth it. For anything that is worth doing, it takes hard work and for any GREAT thing, there is always opposition. We just have to be willing to climb that mountain or make it move, so we can experience greatness.

In any community there are obstacles, politics, differences, but we can conquer through those issues when Kindness is considered. Thank you to all the KIND individuals in our community that hopes for a better and safer learning environment for all our kids. May the climb in the future be not so hard, may be continue to put the best interest of our next generation, first.

To help, join our Committee. Contact me at MrsPocatello@gmail.com