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Kindness Proposal Officially Approved!

After alot of caring, research, long hours, and many meetings, today I am very happy to say that my Kindness Movement Proposal has been officially APPROVED by the City of Proposal approvedPocatello, Idaho​ and Pocatello/Chubbuck School District #25 and rumor has it, the City of Chubbuck. I am excited about it! There’s tons of work to be done. I have $33,000 to raise for all public school kids. But, I am really hoping that this will help remind the Community (adults/parents) that the example of Kindness begins in our homes.

We teach our children how to serve and treat others. Empathy is a powerful lesson to teach our children. Also, I want children to know that it’s needed for them to SPEAK UP, to be leaders in their schools. They don’t have to witness bullying and keep quiet, they can help change another child’s life and be a friend.

We all can make simple changes in our day-to-day lives to be part of this change. I work on this personally everyday and by no way, am I the perfect model. But, I make sure that I try my best. We all will make mistakes, no one is perfect, but may we learn from our mistakes and humble ourselves to forgive. And I know that this is easier said, then done. Kindness is simple, but also many  times forgotten. May we put our pride aside and choose to be KIND.

