December Kindness Day 2018

December Kindness Day 2018

Happy Holidays from the CKM

December Kindness Day

Thursday, December 20th, 2018


Kindness Secret Service

Kindness Challenge: 

Find a way to secretly serve

this holiday season. 

Happiness comes from giving and serving others. This is a great time of year to teach the value of giving and serving, and nothing teaches it better than by example. Find a service, either with your school or for just your class where you can kindle the spirit of giving
and service.


Teach them to serve rather than be served. One of the best ways to give kids practice in real-world kindness is to serve others. Get the whole school involved to serve people in need. Find opportunities to lend a hand with Habitat for Humanity, Humane Society, nursing homes, even opportunities in your school. When kids realize the impact they can make by serving and being kind to others, you begin to foster a servant’s heart in them, and that’s a beautiful thing.

Discuss with your class how they can use their own uniqueness and talents to serve others around them. Pass out this Mission Possible handout and have your students prepare their service missions to become SECRET AGENTS!  Have your students report back ways that they performed secret service through the holiday season.

Happy Holidays! 

I would like to take time to reflect on the past year and thank all the individuals that have supported and served through the CKM. We will forever be grateful. 

Our family has had an amazing opportunity to meet so many individuals that we possibly would have never met. We are grateful for this and consider you all friends and second family. Many of you have graced us with your generosity, talents, connections, kindness, love, and support. THANK YOU!

The CKM evolved out of love for our daughter and now continues out of love for all of our children and for yours.  As our family grows and evolves, we know that the CKM will too in it’s own way.

This journey has enticed many life lessons thus far and has brought personal growth. Consider serving in your community, you won’t regret it.  Service has a profoundness on the individual serving, the recipient, and also bystanders. I have found that by serving and serving with my family, that we have had the opportunity to be apart of something bigger than ourselves and it has been a life-changing experiences that will always be apart of us. 

May you find happiness in giving and serving others this holiday season, 

Melissa Nelson

CKM Founder and President


The CKM will be putting together a recap video of our 2018 Kindness Week. We apologize for the delay. This is the last call for photos and video footage that you are willing to share. Please send to The deadline will be December 31st. We will plan on having the video available to show to all the schools for January’s Kindness Day. 

In the spirit of giving, we made a video to share with Hillsdale and to thank their sponsors.  

Thank you!

Happy November Kindness Day – Thursday, Nov. 15th, 2018

Happy November KINDNESS DAY!

Kindness Strengthens Relationships



Give someone a pat-on-the-back today. Show kindness to help strengthen a relationship at home and a friendship at school

Class Discussion

Manners can show the people around us that we are mindful of them; manners can also express our respect for others. Respecting other students shows that we appreciate them. There are a lot of ways we can show respect and that includes good manners! Just remember to follow the golden rule!

“Do unto others as you would have them do to you.”

Giving compliments is a huge part of appreciating other peoples
manners. Compliments are expressing the good traits, talents or characteristics you see in another person. Compliments make you feel happy, valued and important! Everyone wants to feel important! Think of a time when someone told you something nice about yourself. You probably felt great! It also feels great to give compliments, everyone wins when you give a compliment!

CKM NOVEMBER KINDNESS DAY – Thursday, November 15th, 2018

November CKM Kindness Day

Thursday, November 15th, 2018


Kindness Strengthens Relationships

Let’s put into action our kind gestures and words of encouragement.

When students know their peers value them they will be able to be confident in school and will be more willing to lend a helping hand when they are needed!


November 13th

World Kindness Day is an International observance on the 13th of November. It was introduced in 1998 by
the World Kindness Movement, a coalition of nations. We think everyday should be World Kindness Day but, November 13th is the official date. Mark your calendars & get ready to do at least one random act of
kindness today.


 November 15th, 2018

MONTHLY THEME: Kindness Strengthens Relationship

Give someone a

“Pat-on-the-Back” and  “Do unto
otters as you would have otters do unto you”.


The Friday after Thanksgiving in November 

We think this is such a great idea—instead of shopping on Black Friday, kick off the holidays by doing a
random act of kindness

For all participating schools, prepare your Kindness Lesson by accessing our CKM Kindness Program  – CLICK HERE

Objective: Students can show their peers they respect them by
looking for the good in each other.
Inspire: Sometimes a pat on the back can change a bad day into a
good day. Explain to the students that what they say matters!
Empower: Give each student the opportunity to give a “Pat on the
Back.”Give each student a piece of paper and ask the class to
trace their hand. Secretively, assign each student the name of
another student in the class. Their job is to write the student’s
name in the palm of the hand they had drawn.
Act: The student writes a kind thing about the other person on
each finger. Have the students cut out the hand and tape it to the
person whom they wrote about.
Share: Have the students share how they feel after receiving

Happy October Kindness Day!

Happy October Kindness Day!

Happy October Kindness Day!




Perform an intentional act of kindness today

Kindness has the power to transform difficult relationships or make relationships even more meaningful. Just by doing intentional kindness you will see the way it can impact others and change you for the better.


Every October, schools and organizations across the country join STOMP Out Bullying™ in observing National Bullying Prevention Month. The goal: encourage schools and communities to work together to stop bullying and cyber-bullying by increasing awareness of the prevalence and impact of bullying on all children of all ages.

Let’s teach our children/students how to use KINDNESS as their own SUPERPOWER!

Here are some great videos to show your classrooms. We hope you are taking advantage of our online Kindness curriculum. 

You’re Braver Than You Believe




Be Someone’s Hero

Say “I LOVE YOU” Sunday – CKW2018 – #TheCKM

Say " I LOVE YOU" Sunday

Show your love (your heart, your kindness, your vulnerability, your soul-shine) because it feels good.

Give because the giving is what you get.


In fact, if you have a hard time with self-love, start outside yourself and work your way in. Showing love to others can be a gateway for loving yourself.

Have you been following all the shared kind acts on social media?



#TheCKM - Share your kind acts with us!

CKM Kindness Video

SMILE Saturday – CKW2018 – #TheCKM

Smile Saturday

Smiling and laughter are beneficial for your mind, body and overall well-being. Even if you’re feeling blue, crack a smile and reap the numerous health benefits of smiling.


Be the reason someone smiles today.

If you need a great reason to wear a smile – know  that it makes you more attractive! 


School Kindness Shirt Photos

We hope your entire school enjoyed and benefited from celebrating Kindness Week with us!  Please, continue on for the next two days with the community.  

Please share your School Kindness Week photos with us at:

The CKM  will be putting together a Community Kindness Week slideshow. We hope to have it ready to view the first Kindness Day in October. Kindness Day is celebrate every THIRD Thursday of each month. 

Friendly Friday is here! CKW2018



or be an EXCEPTIONAL FRIEND today.

One of the most important human needs is connection; people want to feel appreciated and respected which is why there are many benefits of being friendly with people you meet. The benefits of being friendly have been very helpful in building and maintaining relationships in every situation. 


Ways to be more friendly:

  1. Acknowledge People 
  2. Don’t Be Afraid To Start Conversations
  3. Don’t Blow People Off
  4. Check Your Body Language
  5. Invite People Out On The Regular
  6. Be Genuine About Your Feelings
  7. Be Welcoming to All
  8. Offer Up Some Real Compliments
  9. Be In Tune With Other’s Emotions
  10. Laugh At People’s Jokes


and it feels truly amazing! Wouldn't you all agree?

Thank You Note Thursday! – CKW2018


The thing is, people aren’t hardwired to be grateful. And, like any skill worth having, gratitude requires practice…. Gratitude makes us happier. Gratitude strengthens relationships, improves health, reduces stress, and, in general, and makes us happier. 

The CKM would like to thank every individual who has joined in to create this kindness movement. Your kindness and generosity will forever be appreciated by the Nelson Family.  THANK YOU SO MUCH! 

THANK YOU Mayor Tammy de Weerd and the City of Meridian

THANK YOU Councilman Joe Borton and Meridian Community Relations and CKM VP, Jody St. Martin for presenting the CKM with the Community Kindness Week Proclamation.

THANK YOU West Ada School District Dawn Tolan and Jeanne Buschine

WOW Wednesday – #CKW2018

WOW Wednesday

 “WOW” someone today with a simple act of kindness!

You’ve seen it on the bus when someone offers his or her seat to an elderly person: The generous person feels noble, the elderly person beams with gratitude, and even spectators feel like cheering inside just from having witnessed a simple act of kindness.

ANONYMOUS generosity is actually one of the best forms of giving because it’s done from the heart – without any expectations of being rewarded. It gives the receiver a chance to focus on how the gift of kindness made them feel. If you can today, WOW someone anonymously. 


Tell Them Tuesday

“For you, taking the time to notice someone is sure to increase humility, decrease self-centeredness, and help you to feel your power and connectedness,” she explains. “For the receivers, your compliments are little reminders that they are here, seen, and a part of a community. Bottom line: Compliments are a win-win!”